Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ever's 7th B-day!!!!!

Ever had an awesome Birthday. It was a Transformer theamed bowling party. It was so much fun he and got a lot of good gifts. The big hit was the lego's. And to top the night off he got a wonerfull call from auntie Am and her fam singing him happy birthday. He also wished Melissa a happy birthday! they are lucky to share the same birthday!

Driveway fire pit

Last Friday after our weekly family swim at the base pool. (we now have 2 other familys that go with us ) We decided to have a little bon fire in our neighbors driveway. It was fun we made popcorn and drank hot chocolate and told scary stories. We are hoping to have at least 1 more fire before the waether gets to cold.

keyser and his best friend micah

Talia's First day of preschool

Talia was so excited to be going to school. She was getting a little frustrated that brothers got to go and not her. She only goes Tuesday and Thursday afternoons but it gives mom a little time and her a little socialization.